This was me on my last ride !! Yikes, I did not remember the ground could be so sudden or so hard... quite a splat. I guess it can happen to even the best of riders. As I hobble around doing my chores and loading the big wood boiler... my daughter kind of raises her eyebrows at me (she's a member of this club too, but she's young still). I said to her today-- I hope I live to see the day she's almost 60 and gets dumped... I'll raise my eyebrows at her-- and if it doesn't happen.. I'll personally just push her down a hill or something (trip her with my walker maybe ??)
I am not sure how to log those few seemingly LONG seconds I was in the saddle on my RAC log sheet !Yesterday, OYY Buster Brown was hitched in the cart for the first time. He did pretty well -- but he's a super little horse and has the genes. His grand-mother (my beloved Teena) and his Dam-- our wonderful Sudie-Bee -- are both great driving and riding mounts and his sire Mead's Chocolate Chip has passed on some solid genes as well, so we expected Buster would be outstanding. We have only walked beside and behind the cart so far, and have not hitched the britchen yet.. just the tugs for now. We'll give him plenty of time to get used to the cart and crossing over with his turns. This first day-- he did awesome!! I shot a little video of him which you can see here -
On these very cold and windy days, I am happy to have the indoor to continue through the winter for working and training the horses... but maybe I would rather have been in the big ring to land on snow instead of the arena floor the other day.
Enjoy your day.. and stay in the saddle.