Sunday, February 10, 2008

Friday, February 8th-- a curly colt was born during morning choretime. I peeked in to see Mom- OYY Tippateena- standing in her stall waiting for breakfast. I went to start the tractor so it could warm up, began to scoop out the various buckets of grain, went to feed Tippy-- and there was the colt being born !! We have been waiting for him for a few weeks. He is a beautiful sturdy fellow and reminds me of his grand-mother- Teena- about whom I have written in previous blogs. Tippy is named for a Dr. John song (actually Tipitina, but we changed it a bit to fit the circumstance). Naturally the new youngster is also named for a Dr. John song too. OYY Jockomo is a name that fits him well.

Teena was a great old gal .. we miss her but have many
offspring and grand-children of hers. Jockomo looks just like her- except he has only one hind sock. Anyone who has been to the web site has seen the photo of Teena and Tippy driving together which we did several times a week. Tippy grew up to be a fabulous driving horse and now she can drive with her son when the weather clears a bit.

Here is a photo of Tippy during the summer driving in the ring. She wears her mother's harness now. She outgrew the harness she started out with and now her sister OYY Fiona is wearing it! In a few years, if Jockomo is still here- he'll be wearing it.

I shot a short video of Jockomo out in the small round pen stretching his legs shortly after birth during a snow shower. As I said.. he's a sturdy colt and active !

Last week I took a quick video of OYY Little "Z" , a coming 2 year old filly out of Ahmet and Mead's Chocolate Chip (also Jockomo's sire). She's beautiful and sporty.

Also, I managed to get a video of OYY Ivan being long lined up in the indoor. He's a coming 3 year old gelding out of Ptesan-Wi and Lynn Downer's WCC Benjamin. He is a careful and respectful gelding who is going to make a wonderful riding horse.

The sun came out for a half an hour today.. but it is back to snowing hard again. Oh well... it is winter !

Enjoy your day ~

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