Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday morning and the wind chimes are not saying a word today... no wind-- since the temperature upon awakening was 18 degrees... I am thankful for that. Botanists say that trees need the powerful March winds to flex their trunks and main branches, so the sap is drawn up to nourish the budding leaves. Perhaps we need the gales of life much in the same way, though we dislike enduring them. I believe I have had enough of that old yankee fortitude building.. I am ready for the gentle breezes.

There is a Spanish story about the borrowing days - a shepherd promised March a lamb if he would temp the winds to suit his flocks. But after gaining his point, the shepherd refused to pay over the lamb. In revenge, March borrowed three days from April, in which fiercer winds than ever blew and punished the deceiver.

March borrow it from April
Three days, and they were ill,
The first was frost,
The second was snow,
The third was cold as ever't could blow.

Yesterday must have been that "third" day.. with winds as cold as ever't could blow. We did venture out for a quick ride on the snowmobile trails. In the woods, we were warm- on the roads.. my eyes were watering with the frigid wind and I truly thought the wind would blow me right off my horse! The wind was definitely the "rude and boisterous tyrant" to quote Thoreau.

Here we are heading up the nicely groomed and packed trail. We reach the top and the woods open up to offer a gorgeous view.. worth braving the cold !?

Time to head home... load the stove and warm up ! We have to cross the snowmobile bridge, which is a perfect opportunity to prepare for our April RAC contest...

Enjoy your last days of March ~

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