Saturday, June 27, 2009

One Advantage of Riding with a Friend

Other than the bonus of companionship and fresh trail side gossip, the advantages of having a friend come along is -- Zoe and I get photo's of us together for a change !

These photo's were taken by Mary Watkins the day she accompanied us to the top of Mount Ephraim in order to learn the way.

Mary works at Slypner Tack in Claremont, NH. There is an additional dividend in that fact as ewll. When we find we need a bit or some other item, Zoe calls Mary-- she has kept a file at the store of our favorite brands of certain tack accessories and brings them toher house in Chester where Zoe can pay her and pick it up-- no driving for what we need.. so handy.

Mary rode her lovely gelding Sport to the farm in the afternoon, s she had an exta 7 -9 miles added onto her trip that day. She rides in a ReactorPanel saddle , which is a pretty clever set up for fitting your horse and saddle perfectly.

We had the usual great ride up and around-- trotting home on the back side of the mountain to avoid backtracking. It was late by the time we arrived back at the farm and Mary still had to trot home. We made plans to meet her at her place so she can show us some new trails we have not explored yet since it's a little out of our normal riding radius.

During the week, it was time for OYY Dante to get out again- his fourth outing on the trail. Choosing the Apple Tree trail, in order to match distance with the amount of time we had for a ride.. even though the skies seemed threatening-- we saddled up anyway.

After a few miles of trotting down the road, we reach the opening to the trail.

we should remember to stick a note in the owner's mailbox to get these trees trimmed back :)

A nice little brook crossing for a green horse to practice... Dante is perfect- He really shines on the trail. We did end up getting rained on a bit.. but the ride was worth it.

Zoe and OYY Elektra have been working on their patterns for the several shows they have together this summer. Elektra is continuing the Intro Walk/Trot and advancing into the Training level this year.

One of our volunteers at the riding center rides Lilly a few times a week- she may go to a show or two this summer. Lilly is Elektra's grand-mother and also one of our very dependable lesson horses.

My silly Russian Spy cat is settling in and becoming a part of the household. She loves to sit in baskets.

enjoy your day ~

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