Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wearing Weather

Here we are continuing to whine about the weather… Up until 2 days ago—the weather was definitely wearing me down. Every day—rain. Award winning weeds are growing in fields I just clipped. Generally around this time, I can clip down the weeds in a field and have them dry up… giving plenty of space and sun for the grass to grow. Not so this year. Even the flowers are feeling soggy.

I spent a couple of days mowing through smartweed. This is a weed fond of moisture-- so it's a banner year for this plant with many old time uses. I read if a bit of smartweed was tucked beneath a horse's saddle will keep the horse from feeling hungry or thirsty over a long ride. Well, for me, it's become an exuberantly nuisance weed.. full of noxious pollen which flies out as you mow.

There are more Indian Pipe than usual it seems—and I suppose that’s due to the extra falling water. This odd white “flower” is a food source for bumblebees—I can’t imagine it having any tasty nectar but apparently it does. The ghostly plant is in the blueberry family.

I have had to also pay special attention my water bars on the road way up my little mountain. Each time I travel up, I back down to use the bucket on my tractor to tidy them up and smooth out the ruts which hold water and make for excellent new wash out stream beds. Some parts of the road are a little steep – and when you dip down into the water bar, then head up the rocky uphills.. it’s a matter of just looking straight ahead, hold tight and GO ! The other day, my sister came for a visit and I took her for a ride on the ATV up the little mountain. She was a brave passenger and when we got the top, I said—great job staying on.. if I am the passenger I always hop off and opt to walk. It didn’t occur to her that was an option. We took walks along the horse paths--- and sat by the pond for a nice restful afternoon.

I always thought having an ATV was more of a toy or luxury item on the farm until I actually acquired one… I use it a lot and it has proved itself to be invaluable for so many jobs… I can load it up with fence fixing tools and navigate myself almost anywhere in the fields or woods. It carries the chain saw, a bale of hay, and we also use it to lead horses to and from different pastures. It’s a great horse exerciser too… It’s kind of fun to see when the horses are tied to the back rack how fast they will trot out since it has a speedometer. Our tall elegant beauty OYY Elektra can easily and gracefully jog at 12 miles an hour effortlessly and she enjoys it too. OYY Niobe is our fastest traveler, with her extended trot at 14 miles an hour. Yesterday I tried to capture a photo of OYY Ivan and OYY Dante trotting behind the 4-wheeler. All I could manage to get was a head shot as he trotted alongside.

About 3 weeks ago, I heard the cicada’s for the first time. Usually August is the month of those very hot dog days of summer. This year, rainy and somewhat cool—the cicada’s are still buzzing, warning of the first frost which is predicted to arrive 6 weeks after you first hear them. Yikes—we have not even truly had a summer yet! Red leaves on the maple tree—turning early. The apple trees are nearly toppling over with the weight of fruit this year.. more than I have seen in a long time. This is also a predictor of heavy snows and a long winter. I guess we’ll find out in a few months.

I seeded my new field which used to be brush and new growth trees.. it’s now covered in a lovely green fuzz – very exciting !!

OYY Salvadore is pulling an evener quietly and will graduate to a cart soon.

Cherokee Storm is getting the idea of long lining well and becoming supple and responsive.

Saturday, someone came to look at OYY Dante. We headed into the indoor to put him through his paces—and suddenly—incredible downpour of rain mixed in with hail half an inch in diameter ! Deafening on the metal roof but Dante was completely unfazed by it all. Great little gelding. My grand-son Dominic was amazed by what he called the big ice cube storm! I have never seen hail that large in my lifetime. Crazy.

We just experienced the sturgeon full moon of August... and the hint of change. The sun is setting earlier and the evening shadows are noticeably longer.

On the way back to the house after working horses in the evening- I snapped photo's of my little "box" garden and my cleome, which is thriving this year.
Enjoy ~

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