Monday, April 20, 2009

Another Saturday Ride- the best yet !

Our Saturday was probably the most awesome we've had so far in 2009. Zoe and I were pressed for time so had a lot of miles to cover with only 2 or so hours to do it.

My delightful Keri came trotting over to be caught-- she was excited ! We saddled up and Keri plugged into her power trot- which surprised me- and she and Teasel kept it up pretty nearly the entire trek. The trail was in great shape... but since snowmobiling season is over, the gates were closed on the trail. We had to climb the stonewalls- not a problem. Keri said- Teasel, stand aside-- and let me at it.

She had that attitude for most of the ride which was fun because I love to see her having a good time.

As we got to the beginning of the Mount Ephraim trail, we veered left to trot down a lower route we rarely ride. Wide and dry enough for lots of trotting and some cantering, quite exhilarating.

We had to cross a few brooks along the way, dipping up and down through valleys and hills. Here's one brook- and we wonder-- what kind of bridge is this ?

We trot through the water- not even venturing into the safety issues of a little pallet perched on a log.

At the end- we come out into what's called 'Dutton District' after a large farm on the hill owned by the Dutton family. There we have to travel on the road to get to the backway up to the top of Mount Ephraim. We pass a payloader, idling on the side of the road while its operator is off having a neighborly chat. Does this qualify for an obstacle?

once we get on this trail, it's a steady climb to the top with lots of running water on both sides-

and in the road as well

It's the mud that the 4-wheelers love so much and this route is a haven for the ATV'ers. We met up with quite a few dirt bikers and 4-wheelers having fun. It's their traveling on the roads that create more mud.

as we near the end of this trail, we find a 'homestead' of sorts--- not my idea of luxury accommodations.

This tent was set up and being used all winter, as we passed it several times this year.

On the way home, we decide to take a left onto an alternate route- which involves brook walking -- which I love to do with my horse.

it was a great ride.

When we arrived home, I took Keri over the teeter-totter for the first time since it was still sitting in the barnyard.

Friday, Honeybee Gal- an older 14 hand curly mare from Damele and Fredell breeding, delivered a lovely palomino curly colt. Just as he was born the Great Blue heron flew up out of the pond so- hence his name.. OYY HeronBee. He's sired by OYY Finnegan (Finn's second foal)

Sunday- OYY Demeter delivered a nice curly colt with a surprise color- Not what I expected anyway.
OYY Matisse- also a "Finn" baby.
Yesterday was tee shirt weather- today chilly and blustery- we set up more obstacles in the smaller riding ring. Return and see photo's tomorrow !
Enjoy ~

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