Thursday, April 9, 2009


I know I mentioned a few posts back it was not quite time to store away the snow shovels- just in case of a late spring snowstorm.. but I didn't imagine I'd be needing my long underwear ever again... Yesterday was, as Pooh and Piglet said once-- a rather blustery day -a real Winds-day. Cold, raw, snowing. And today.. go figure-- it's 50 degrees again.

Yesterday, on our Winds-day- OYY Nimue got out in the big ring (with the cold the ground was a bit firmer than it's recently been). I got some video footage of her driving. Incredibly, the town trucks are still at it along my road.. a continual queue of dump trucks dumping fill to quell the mud. Nimue was not distracted a bit, she was so happy to be out trotting. What a pleasure Nimue is.

During the week, OYY Little "Z" was up for her start in some training. "Z" is out of Chip and Ahmet and is 15 hands now at almost 3 years old. Her maternal sister is OYY Elektra who has starred in a few blog posts and did so nicely for us in her show debut last fall.

She learns to stand still while we throw the harness all over her from different sides. After the harness is on, she is de-sensitized with flinging the rope up and over and around her legs.

She also steps through the tire and over the little bridge.

"Z" is a beautiful very smart girl

Here's a photo of her dam, Ahmet.

During "Z" 's training session, we had a few nosey on-lookers

OYY Ivan and OYY Dante being curious.

And of course the dogs are always with me. They know better than to enter the "work" area... except Fritz- the little dachshund- he pushes the limits a bit- just barely over the line.

Yesterday, we also hitched Chip fully into the cart and he pulled a passenger with ease and grace. Hopefully tomorrow, I'll be able to get a short video of his real first day out.

Here's a photo of my new cat. She joined my home last week and is quite content. I call her Miss Mew. I also have 2 barn cats, one called Miss Purr and one called Miss Potter. This way, with my aging mind- I never have to remember any of their names-- I can call them all Missy and I am always right.

Enjoy your day- what is left of it.

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