Friday, April 3, 2009

Signs of Spring on Thursday

It's April now--

we've had quite a few days of dreary dismal weather, but have continued to ride and work. Yesterday- Thursday was one of our best days so far-- and signs and sounds of spring were evident everywhere. This is the first day I have seen and heard the Phoebe sing... here he is up at the peak of the barn. If the phoebe nests in the barn- it's very good luck !
The killdeer 'scouts' were out and about, looking ahead for nesting sites and all morning the skies were filled with the constant killdeer call. A few brave red winged blackbirds were also back with their Okaleeee, and throughout the day the robins were trilling their Cheery-up, Cheerio.

We are actually in T-shirts !! I rode Keri, Zoe took OYY Ivan- and we meet our first obstacles before we even get out of the yard !

The excavator is here setting telephone poles for some new gateways I am putting in - I was fortunate to get a very large load of poles when the telephone company was replacing a bunch somewhere in town. Now I have poles set 5 feet in the ground for gateways. Here's 2 poles pretty much set in place.

We ride by the excavator while it is loading poles into the trailer -- and meet Sophie- one of our pot bellied pigs. Also a sure sign of springtime is -- the pigs are out of hibernation and looking for grubs and green grass .. busily gaining back all the weight they lost during their long winter sleep.

Out on the back roads, the mud is still squishy. We trotted further down the roads, intending to do one of our smaller loops-- but the trail was calling us-- with this gorgeous weather so we ducked into one of old tried and trues. Climbed the snowbank between the two trees that make the entrance.

We trot from open trail to still deeply snow covered trail

lots of brooks and meltwater to navigate. In and out of shade and sun.

We pass the little beaver pond- cross the last brook and come out into the field to head home

Once we reach the farm, we decide to trot up into the backyard and see if the horses will walk up the little set of steps I have in a small retaining wall I built 2 years ago. Since April is the month of 'obstacles' we are always looking for some.

This is too easy though--

The best sight of the day-- the Mourning Cloak- a butterfly that hibernates all winter, usually in cracks in the bark of trees, and reappears in early spring. The only discouraging signpost of spring I ran into today was a couple of swirling black flies..

We managed to to get in some great training sessions this week as well as some great pleasure riding. Chip is busy pulling everything and anything we hitch him to. OYY Queen Jane Approximately is up for some re-education. OYY Little "Z" has officially begun her preparation for saddle training and OYY Dante is back being ridden after a few months off.. due to being busy with others. He was thrilled to be the 'chosen one'. I'll post all that news with photo's another day !!

Enjoy your day ~

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